
You can configure an OKD cluster to run real-time virtual machine (VM) workloads that require low and predictable latency. OKD provides the Node Tuning Operator to implement automatic tuning for real-time and low latency workloads.

Configuring a cluster for real-time workloads

You can configure an OKD cluster to run real-time workloads.

  • You have access to the cluster as a user with cluster-admin permissions.

  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).

  • You have installed the Node Tuning Operator.

  1. Label a subset of the compute nodes with a custom role, for example, worker-realtime:

    $ oc label node <node_name> node-role.kubernetes.io/worker-realtime=""

    You must use the default master role for single-node OpenShift and compact clusters.

  2. Create a new MachineConfigPool manifest that contains the worker-realtime label in the spec.machineConfigSelector object:

    Example MachineConfigPool manifest
    apiVersion: machineconfiguration.openshift.io/v1
    kind: MachineConfigPool
      name: worker-realtime
        machineconfiguration.openshift.io/role: worker-realtime
          - key: machineconfiguration.openshift.io/role
            operator: In
              - worker
              - worker-realtime
          node-role.kubernetes.io/worker-realtime: ""

    You do not need to create a new MachineConfigPool manifest for single-node OpenShift and compact clusters.

  3. If you created a new MachineConfigPool manifest in step 2, apply it to the cluster by using the following command:

    $ oc apply -f <real_time_mcp>.yaml
  4. Create a PerformanceProfile manifest that applies to the labeled nodes and the machine config pool that you created in the previous steps:

    Example PerformanceProfile manifest
    apiVersion: performance.openshift.io/v2
    kind: PerformanceProfile
      name: profile-1
        isolated: 4-39,44-79
        reserved: 0-3,40-43
      globallyDisableIrqLoadBalancing: true
        defaultHugepagesSize: 1G
        - count: 8
          size: 1G
        enabled: true
        highPowerConsumption: true
        realTime: true
        node-role.kubernetes.io/worker-realtime: ""
        topologyPolicy: single-numa-node
  5. Apply the PerformanceProfile manifest:

    $ oc apply -f <real_time_pp>.yaml

    The compute nodes automatically reboot twice after you apply the MachineConfigPool and PerformanceProfile manifests. This process might take a long time.

  6. Retrieve the name of the generated RuntimeClass resource from the status.runtimeClass field of the PerformanceProfile object:

    $ oc get performanceprofiles.performance.openshift.io profile-1 -o=jsonpath='{.status.runtimeClass}{"\n"}'
  7. Set the previously obtained RuntimeClass name as the default container runtime class for the virt-launcher pods by editing the HyperConverged custom resource (CR):

    $ oc patch hyperconverged kubevirt-hyperconverged -n kubevirt-hyperconverged \
        --type='json' -p='[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/defaultRuntimeClass", "value":"<runtimeclass_name>"}]'

    Editing the HyperConverged CR changes a global setting that affects all VMs that are created after the change is applied.

  8. If your real-time-enabled compute nodes use simultaneous multithreading (SMT), enable the alignCPUs feature gate by editing the HyperConverged CR:

    $ oc patch hyperconverged kubevirt-hyperconverged -n kubevirt-hyperconverged \
        --type='json' -p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/featureGates/alignCPUs", "value": true}]'

    Enabling alignCPUs allows OKD Virtualization to request up to two additional dedicated CPUs to bring the total CPU count to an even parity when using emulator thread isolation.

Configuring a virtual machine for real-time workloads

You can configure a virtual machines (VM) to run real-time workloads.

  • Your cluster is configured to run real-time workloads.

  • You have installed the virtctl tool.

  1. Create a VirtualMachine manifest to include information about CPU topology, CRI-O annotations, and huge pages:

    Example VirtualMachine manifest
    apiVersion: kubevirt.io/v1
    kind: VirtualMachine
      name: realtime-vm
            cpu-load-balancing.crio.io: disable (1)
            cpu-quota.crio.io: disable (2)
            irq-load-balancing.crio.io: disable (3)
              dedicatedCpuPlacement: true
              isolateEmulatorThread: true
              model: host-passthrough
                guestMappingPassthrough: {}
              realtime: {}
              sockets: 1 (4)
              cores: 4 (5)
              threads: 1
              autoattachGraphicsDevice: false
              autoattachMemBalloon: false
              autoattachSerialConsole: true
            ioThreadsPolicy: auto
              guest: 4Gi
                pageSize: 1Gi (6)
            terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 0
    # ...
    1 This annotation specifies that load balancing is disabled for CPUs that are used by the container.
    2 This annotation specifies that the CPU quota is disabled for CPUs that are used by the container.
    3 This annotation specifies that interrupt request (IRQ) load balancing is disabled for CPUs that are used by the container.
    4 The number of sockets inside the VM.
    5 The number of cores inside the VM. This must be a value greater than or equal to 1.
    6 The size of the huge pages. The possible values for x86-64 architectures are 1Gi and 2Mi. In this example, the request is for 4 huge pages of size 1 Gi.
  2. Apply the VirtualMachine manifest:

    $ oc apply -f <file_name>.yaml
  3. Configure the guest operating system. The following example shows the configuration steps for a Fedora 8 operating system:

    1. Run the following command to connect to the VM console:

      $ virtctl console <vm_name>
    2. Configure huge pages by using the GRUB boot loader command-line interface. In the following example, 8 1G huge pages are specified.

      $ grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args="default_hugepagesz=1GB hugepagesz=1G hugepages=8"
    3. To achieve low-latency tuning by using the cpu-partitioning profile in the TuneD application, run the following commands:

      $ dnf install -y tuned-profiles-cpu-partitioning
      $ echo isolated_cores=2-9 > /etc/tuned/cpu-partitioning-variables.conf

      The first two CPUs (0 and 1) are set aside for house keeping tasks and the rest are isolated for the real-time application.

      $ tuned-adm profile cpu-partitioning
  4. Restart the VM to apply the changes.